Hello ladies. Recently I was nominated by my lovely co-bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award and One Lovely Blog Award. Since both the awards have pretty much the same rules I have combined both the awards in the same post. I am so overwhelmed to be nominated and would like to thank Vaishnavi Venkatesh from DollupandRun, Adit from LifeAsAditi, Anamika from NaturalBeautyAndMakeup and Amrutaa from MakeupFashionLuv . Thank You so much ladies 🙂 🙂 🙂 .
So What is Versatile Blogger Award and One Lovely Blog Award?
Both the awards are awards given by bloggers to co-bloggers and thus supporting each other and helping new blogs to get noticed. Like Liebster, here also if you’re nominated, that means you have been awarded the Award.
You should thank the person who has nominated you and add a link back to their site. Next select 10-15 bloggers that you follow regularly and pass this award to them. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
My Nominations:
Sonali from Skincarevilla
Archana from IBeautySpy
Purva from PlanetBeauties
Dipti Tiwari from GorgeouslyFlawed
Bhawna D from Lyfabubble
Ms Meehnia from MsMeehnia
Husna Favaz from TheBeautyMascot
Mariyam from TheBeautyHolic
Anjali from ZigZagMania
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed 🙂
Stay Beautiful <3

Safiya is the editor and founder of TheBeautyInsideOut. With 7 years of experience in the beauty industry, she has been contributing content since its inception in 2016. She’s keen on trying out skincare from various verticals – be it Western skincare, Korean beauty, or Indian Ayurveda and sharing their unbiased opinions on them.
We share many of your random facts ?
I also never watch horror movies too scared to watch any, I am also punctual. ?
Love reading your facts. Congratulations to you and all nominated girls. ?
Why do I get this sense that we all bloggers in real life are actually so comfort loving; breaking away people’s perceptions that we’d always roam around in full faced makeup 😀 I once ended up getting fascinated to this Korean show whose name I fail to remember :’D Besides, Li Min Ho OMG <3
I too felt so uncomfortable with lenses that I don't think I'd wear them again until some Big Event crops up! At my first attempt, I fainted in the shop! :'D Not my thing!
I like to read your post always. congratulations.
Congratulations dear.
Loved reading it. I am too very scared of watching horror movies. Not even one scene I would watch. 😐 😐
And tysm for the nomination 😀 😀
i love random facts 🙂 I love horror movies 🙂
Congratulations gal <3 Well, I still love watching Korean love story films 😀 and like you, I also can't stay in an AC room for a long time 🙁 Loved reading all these facts.
Much love,
i cant watch horror movies either! in college my friends forced me to watch the conjuring, and they all fell asleep and i was trying to watch it alone.. on zero volume with my hands covering my eyes -_- congrats on being nominated by so many bloggers x
Congrats! Loved reading your random facts. I get scared watching horror movies too, but I watch them all the time! I love them.
Loved reading about u 🙂