Have you tried the new Botox yet? And Did you know that you can get a Botox every day?
Sounds bizarre, doesn’t it, and you’re probably wondering how’s that even possible. That’s what I thought when I heard of this Botox technique too. But after digging around a bit, I have to say, I’m pleasantly surprised. Flaxseeds have come a long way, last year flaxseed gel was all the rave for hair growth and hair shine and this year it’s come back again to give you a Botox!
Yes, the recipe is the same. So we’re gonna discuss why it’s been in vogue.
Table of Contents
So what are Flaxseeds?
Since flaxseed is a superfood and one of the few vegetarian sources of the omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the body needs to function, and as we all know—after following fitness enthusiasts on Instagram—it is an absolute must-have in our diets. In addition, flaxseed contains other bioactive ingredients that function as gut-healthy fuel. Besides, research suggests that consuming flaxseed has antioxidant effects and can also have anticancer effects. If they aren’t already, flaxseeds are generally a beneficial addition to your diet.
Benefits of Flaxseed For Skin
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduces Water Loss and Makes Skin Plump and Smooth.
We must obtain this necessary fat, Omega-3, through our diet as our bodies are unable to produce it naturally. Skin appears bright and healthy when we consume a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have demonstrated that flaxseed oil reduces TWL, dryness, and scaling[1]; this is because flaxseed oil contains a high omega concentration. Furthermore, because it promotes water retention, skin appears plumper and smoother.
Antioxidants and Fibre Keep Skin Healthy
Dermatitis and acne are often caused by a nasty gut. So keeping your gut happy is a sure shot way of avoiding gut-caused skin sensitivities. Fibre is the determinant of a healthy gut. They greatly satisfy our digestive system. And flaxseeds contain an abundance of fibres[1]. Skin also becomes clearer and you’ll notice improved texture just by increasing your fibre consumption.
Lowers internal Inflammation
The lignans in flaxseed can significantly reduce internal inflammation, which is often the cause of skin irritation, eczema, and body acne. Flaxseeds can be eaten in a variety of ways, but ground form is the most effective way to ensure you’re getting the most out of them.
Flaxseed Botox: Is this true?
Botox is a procedure used to treat certain skin disorders, prevent fine wrinkles, and keep muscles from sagging. In Botox, a modified form of botulinum toxin—a chemical that paralyzes your muscles—is injected into the desired location. It is not a permanent procedure; after three to four months, the procedure is repeated to sustain the look.
We might infer from this that flaxseed is only altering the skin’s appearance or causing minor superficial changes, rather than altering the skin literally. Its omega, peptides, and proteins could be leaving some positive effects on your face.
Flaxseed gel tightens the skin, and the sensation of tighter skin intensifies as the mask dries and it stays even after you’ve removed it. The appearance of fine wrinkles and acne scars is somewhat diminished, and the skin appears brighter post its application. Skin feels slightly exfoliated and smoother as well. Do keep in mind that although people have reported all these wonderful benefits, there is hardly any scientific research done to support the benefits of flaxseeds on topical application. So we’ll have to wait for science to catch up before we claim any real benefits.
For someone who uses it regularly, this mask is figuratively Botox. And, this weekly Botox dosage seems like a creative idea if you want to avoid Botox but get its benefits.
DIY Flaxseed Face Mask Recipes
1. The Boiling Technique
Step 1: First, take one spoonful of flaxseed.
Step 2: Add four times as much water to a vessel.
Step 3: Heat mixture to a boil. It becomes thicker as it simmers.
Step 4: Strain it after the liquid has slightly cooled.
Step 5: Cleanse your face and then Apply this gel on your bare face.
Step 6: You are free to leave it on for as long as you desire or until it dries.
Make sure to wash it with warm water and then proceed with your regimen.
2. The 12-Hour Gel
Step 1: Take one tablespoonful of flaxseed.
Step 2: Put it in half a litre of water.
Step 3: Let it stay overnight. Or, for eight to twelve hours.
Step 4: You get a thick gooey gel. Separate the seeds and gel using a sieve.
Step 5: Apply the gel all over the face, let it sit for 20 minutes and wash it off.
These gels can be kept in your refrigerator for approximately a week if you store them carefully in a tight glass container. You can apply them to your hair and skin. It can also aid in relieving skin tan and sunburn.
3. Rice and Flaxseed Face Mask
Step 1: Scoop out some rice powder.
Step 2: Dilute it with flaxseed gel.
Step 3: Mix it thoroughly.
Step 4: Use it on your body or face.
This is a great method for brightening your skin and removing tan lines. On top of that, it helps fade acne scars and tighten the pores.
If you find flaxseed gel too peculiar, you can try adding ground flaxseed to salads, smoothies, chats, and other food items. Consuming flaxseed offers benefits that go beyond aesthetics. So Botox or no Botox, adding flaxseeds to your diet is a pretty effective way to get better skin.
Article References
Nowak W, Jeziorek M. The Role of Flaxseed in Improving Human Health. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Jan 30;11(3):395. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11030395. PMID: 36766971; PMCID: PMC9914786.

Sejal Jain is a passionate beauty content creator at TheBeautyInsideout. She believes that skincare is not just a superficial thing but more like an expression of self-love and respect for your body and yourself.